Outline of Service

  • The services measures a slope using the latest GPS measurements, evaluates its stability, offers useful disaster prevention information online.
  • For a fixed monthly fee (including GPS equipment / communications costs), in addition to displacement measurement our disaster prevention information service also sends out meteorological information including precipitation data, and weather forecasts, etc.
  • Our management support service provides 24-hour monitoring of the slope by full-time technical experts.
  • Because the measurement data is constantly being analysed using the latest methods, the measurement to a high degree of accuracy (within roughly 2 mm) is possible.
  • Distribution of the data over the Internet enables users to obtain the real time slope infomation at anytime and anywhere (including via mobile phone).

Advantages of the service

  • Highly-accurate measurement results can be obtained in real time.
  • The measurement is not affected by the weather and can even be carried out at night.
  • Because the information is collected online, monitoring can be carried out in the office during the night or even in a rainfall, thus providing greater safety for employees and workers.
  • Labour-savings in on-site measuring work can be achieved.
  • Use of the service in construction management enables computer-aided construction.
  • Continuing monitoring after the work is completed enables the service to be used to judge the effectiveness of measures taken in maintenance and helps clarify a performance design or the cost effectiveness of reinforcement measures.

For a demo version of our service, try the ‘Test Drive’, where you will be able to see details of information distributed by shamen-net.

Core Technologies
  • Evaluation of slope stability using displacement measurement
  • G-TrendTM
  • Slope measurement dedicated GPS system